What follows is a comprehensive bibliography of the writings and teachings of St. Francis de Sales as of 1996. Reprinted here with permission from the author, Joe Boenzi.
Saint Francis de Sales, 1567-1622: Toward a Complete Bibliography of English-language Works, compiled by Joseph Boenzi
The following bibliography is an update for the internet of a bibliography I was able to publish in the Journal of Salesian Studies in the Spring of this year. The scope of that work was to provide English-speaking students of Salesian ministry and spirituality with a tool that would assist them access the writings and teachings of Saint Francis de Sales.
That first effort was preceded by a long introduction which examined the question of Salesian studies internationally and in the United States. Happily, that bibliography met with some success: many readers pointed me in the direction of other English publications; others urged that the bibliography be made available to users of the Internet. This is an attempt to meet that request.
The following work offers one novelty: whenever possible, I have listed the “US Library of Congress” call numbers for books which are readily available in university libraries. If the book is rare, I have listed the library where that book may be found. The “call number” is shown in brackets following each entry. Common abbreviations for libraries include: DBH = Don Bosco Hall; FMA = Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; UC = University of California; UPS = Università Pontificia Salesiana (Roma).
The present bibliography lists all books, journal essays, magazine and newspaper articles published in English, from the first to appear in 1613 through the end of 1995. Some 1996 titles also appear below, but 1996 has not ended as I write, and so, of necessity, this year is incomplete. Titles were tracked through bibliographical tools such as “books-in-print” listings, periodical indexes, “Library of Congress” entries, and library catalogues. Whenever feasible, I visited university libraries or archives and personally browsed through books and articles thus located and verified or corrected the data I had compiled through the above instruments of research.
A number of scholars and friends have helped and guided me in this work. I wish to thank Fr. Joseph F. Power, OSFS, who first broached the subject of updating the earlier bibliographies with Salesians in Rome and in Berkeley, and who has important suggestions to me over the past three years. Thanks also to Fr. Józef Strus’, SDB, who guided me in method and sources, and first suggested an “all-English” approach. Berkeley professors Arthur J. Lenti, SDB, and Mary Treacy, FMA, were not only enthusiastic over this bibliographical mining operation, but also directed me in my “prospecting,” helping to bring to light the existence of many “rich deposits.” And finally, Alexander T. Pocetto, OSFS, corresponding over the internet from Allentown College, gave invaluable insights on ways to make the bibliography more “user friendly.”
The author welcomes any news of English publications or translations of works by or about Saint Francis de Sales. If you know of titles and publishers I’ve missed, please let me know. In the meantime, may this list somehow prove useful to you.
Joe Boenzi
Berkeley, California
October 1, 1996
Bibliography of Publications in English, 1613-1995
Writings of Francis de Sales in Translation
Commentaries and Studies of Francis de Sales’ Works
The Writings of Francis de Sales in Translation
Introduction (Philothea)
Traité del’Amour de Dieu
Entretiens Spirituels
François de Sales, Saint. The Catholic Controversy, Now first edited from the autograph MSS. at Rome and at Annecy. With a hitherto unpublished section on the authority of the Pope. Works of this Doctor of the Church translated into English by Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 3. London: Burns & Oates/New York: Catholic Publication Society, 1886.[UCLA URL BX 1752 F848cE 1886].
____. The Catholic Controversy. Translated by Henry Benedict Mackey. 2d rev. and augm. ed. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, 3. London: Burns & Oates, 1899.
____. The Catholic Controversy, St. Francis de Sales’ Defense of the Faith. translated by Henry Benedict Mackey from the autograph manuscripts at Rome and at Annecy, under the direction of John Cuthbert Hedley. Rockford, Ill.: TAN Books and Publishers, 1989.[BX 1752 F848cE 1989].
Introduction (Philothea)
François de Sales, Saint. An Introduction to a Devoute Life, Composed in Frenche by the R. Father in God, Francis Sales, Bishop of Geneva, and translated into English by I. Y. [John Yaworth OSB]. Rouen: Hamilton, 1613.[BX2179.F8I54 1613].
____. An Introduction to a Devoute Life, Composed in Frenche by the R. Father in God, Francis Sales, Bishop of Geneva, and translated into English by I. Y. [John Yaworth OSB]. Rouen: Hamilton, 1614.[BX2179.F8I54 1613].
____. An Introduction to a Devoute Life, Composed in Frenche by the R. Father in God, Francis Sales, Bishop of Geneva, and translated into English by I. Y. [John Yaworth OSB]. Rouen: Hamilton, 1614.[BX2179.F8I54 1613].
____. An Introduction to a deuout Life: Leading To the way of Eternitie, Made by Francis Salis, Bishop of Geneva. Christus, Via, Veritas Vita. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Walter Bvrre, 1616.[UCLA Clark * BZ F8255i 1616].
____. An Introduction to a Devoute Life, Composed In French, By the R. Father in God, Francis Sales, Bishop of Geneva. And Translated Into English, According to the Originall: By John Yakesley. Gent. [with The communication of Doctor Thaulerus with a poore begger]. London: Printed for William Brooks, 1637.[UCLA Clark: * BZ F8255i 1637].
____. A new edition of the Introduction to a Devout Life, of S. Francis de Sales Bishop and Prince of Geneva; together with a summary of his life, and a collection of his choisest maxims, now added to this last edition. Set forth by the English priests of Tourney colledge at Paris. [London]: [s.n.], 1669.[UCD Shields AC1.U62 mf reel 1687:33 Microcopy Rm/UCLA Clark: * BZ F8255i 1669].
____. An Introduction to a Devout Life containing especially, a prudent method for spiritual closet-exercises, and remedies against the difficulties ordinarily occurring in the conduct of a pious life, Fitted for the use of Protestants, by Henry Dodwell. Dublin: Printed by Benjamin Tooke and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde, 1673.[UCD Shields AC1.U62 mf reel 890:10 Microcopy Rm/UCLA Clark * BZ F8255i 1673].
____. An Introduction to a Devout Life, by Francis Sales; together with a summary of his life, and a collection of his choisest maximes, now added to this last edition. [London?]: Printed for T.D., in the year, 1675.[UCB NewsMicro MICROFILM STC WING].
____. An Introduction to a Devout Life, Written originally in French by St. Francis de Sales, Faithfully rendered into English. To which is prefix’d a summary of his life, and adjoyn’d a collection of his choicest maxims. In the close is added The communication of Dr. Thaulerus with a poor beggar. London: Printed by H. Hills for M. Turner, 1686.[UCLA Clark * BZ F8255i 1686].
____. An introduction to a devout life, by Francis Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated and reformed from the Errors of the Popish Edition. To which is perfixed [sic] a Discourse, of the Rise and Progress of the Spiritual Books in the Romish Church by William Nicholls D. D. London: Printed by E. Holt, for Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul’s Church-Yard; and J. Sprint at the Bell in Little-Britain, 1701.[UCLA Clark * BZ F8255i 1701/Cambridge (Univ. Lib.) Acton.d.46.346: Order in Anderson Room (pre-1850 order in Rare Books)].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales, to which is added his life and a collection of all his maxims. Translated from the French by J. Keating. Dublin: J. Keating, 1742.[Bibliothéque Nationale: D17645].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, from the French of St. Francis de Sales to which is prefixed an abstract of his life. 1st American, from the 6th London ed., rev. and corr. Baltimore [Md.]: Bernard Dornin ([Baltimore]: J. Robinson), 1816.[UCD Shields AC1.E26 mp no.37633 Microcopy Rm].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, New York: Benziger Brothers, 1899.[BX2179.F8I54 1899].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, from the French of St. Francis de Sales to which is prefixed an abstract of his life. Ratisbon: Fr. Pustet, 1900.[[BX2179.F8I54 1900].
____. An Introduction to the Devout Life, New ed. Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, 1902.[BX2179.F8I54 19??
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated by Thomas Barnes London: 1906.
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, from the French of St. Francis de Sales to which is prefixed an abstract of his life. newly revised and corrected by Joseph Mary Lelen; with a foreword by Edward John Carney. New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1946.[BX2179.F8154 1946/FMA Newton 248.4 D45 no. 5146].
____. Introduction to the Devout life. Edited and translated by Allan Ross. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1948.[BX2179.F8I54 1948].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated and edited by John Kenneth Ryan. New York: Harper, 1950.[UCB Main: BX2179 .F764 1950].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated and edited by John Kenneth Ryan. Introduction by Douglas V. Steere. New York: Harper, 1952.[BX2179.F8I54 1952].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, from the French of St. Francis de Sales to which is prefixed an abstract of his life. newly revised and corrected by Joseph Mary Lelen; with a foreword by Edward John Carney. New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1952.[FMA Newton 248.4 D45 no. 1532].
____. Introduction to the Devout life. Edited and translated by Allan Ross. Third American printing. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1953.[UCR Rivera: BX2179.F73 I57].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated and edited by John Kenneth Ryan. Image Books, no. D13. Garden City, NY: Doubleday/London: Longmans, 1955.[BX2179.F8 I54 1955].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, Newly translated by Michael Day. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1956.[BX2179.F73 I5713 1956].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life, from the French of St. Francis de Sales to which is prefixed an abstract of his life. newly revised and corrected by Joseph Mary Lelen; with a foreword by Edward John Carney. New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1960.[FMA Newton 248.4 D45 no. 1532].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated by Michael Day. Everyman’s Library Series, no. 324. London: J. M. Dent/New York: Dutton, 1961.[BX2179.F8I54 1961].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, Newly translated, with introduction and notes by John Kenneth Ryan. 2d rev. ed. The Cathedral Library Series, Harper Torchbooks, no. 316. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.[BX2179.F8I54 1966].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, Newly translated, with introduction and notes by John Kenneth Ryan. Reprint, 2d rev. ed. Garden City: Image Book-Doubleday, 1972.[BX2179.F8I54 1972/BX 2179 F84iE 1972].
____. An Introduction to a Devoute Life, 1613, Rogers English Recusant Literature Series, 1558-1640, comp. David Morrison, no. 279. Ilkley: Scholar Press, 1976.[BX1750.A1 E5 v.279].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated, with introduction and notes by John Kenneth Ryan. Reprint, 2d rev. ed. New York: Doubleday, 1989.[BX2179.F8I54 1989].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated by Armid Nazareth, Antony Mookenthittam, and Anthony Kolencherry. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1990.[BX2179.F8I54 1990].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Translated, with introduction by Michael Day. Wheathampstead, Hertfrodshire: Anthony Clarke, 1990.[BX2179.F8I54 1990].
____. Philothea: or, An Introduction to a Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales; newly translated into English, from the original French, according to the last ed., rev. and cor. by the Saint himself, a little before his death, by R[ichard] C[halloner]. London: Printed for W. Needham, 1762.[UCLA Clark: * BZ F8255i 1762].
____. Philothea: or, An Introduction to a Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales; [translated], with an introduction by John C[lement] Reville. Philadephia: Peter Reilly Company/London: B. Herder, 1942.[UCLA Clark: * BZ F8255i 1762].
Introduction (Philothea) — abridged
François de Sales, Saint. The Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales. New abridged translation by Alban White. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1946.[BX2179.F8154 1946a].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, A new translation. Edited by Rev. W. J. B. Richards. London: Burns, 1848.
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, A new translation. Edited by Rev. W. J. B. Richards. London: Burns, 1878.[UC System: SRLF: B 0000015172].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Edited and translated by Allan Ross. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1924.[BX2179.F8I54a 1924].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Edited and translated by Allan Ross. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1943.[BX2179.F8I54a 1943].
____. Introduction to a Devout Life. Edited with an introduction by Thomas Samuel Kepler. World Devotional Classics Series, Cleveland: World Publishing, 1952.[BX2179.F8I54 1952a].
____. An Introduction to the Devout Life. Edited by Peter Toon. Christian Classics Series. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1988.[BX2179.F8I54a 1988/Cambridge [Univ. Lib.] 1990.7.350].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life, a Popular Abridgment. Abridged by Yvonne Stephan. Translated by Joseph D. Bowler, and Lewis S. Fiorelli. Rockford, Ill.: TAN, 1990.[BX2179.F8I54 1990a].
____. Introduction to the Devout Life. Edited and abridged by Charles Dollen. New York: Alba House, 1992.[BX2179.F8 I54 1992].
____. Letters from a Saint, the great Christian guide to peace of mind and soul. Extracts from L’Introduction a la Vie Devote, edited by George T. Eggleston. New York: Holt, 1957.[BX2179.F8I545 1957].
Kepler, Thomas Samuel. The devout life; Francis de Sales, Theologia Germanica, Francois Fenelon, Living selections from great devotional classics. Arranged and edited by Thomas S. Kepler. Nashville: Upper Room, 1955.[BV4801 .K43].
Introduction (Philothea) — exerpts
François de Sales. “Can you take it?” Extension 46.11 (April 1952): 62.
____. “Forever to have and to hold.” Extension 46.9 (February 1952): 70.
____. “Give me your hand.” Extension 46.7 (December 1951): 70.
____. “How to win heaven… and influence God.” Extension 45.1 (June 1950): 46; 45.2 (August 1950): 13; 45.3 (September 1950): 49; 45.4 (October 1950): 53f; 45.5 (November 1950): 55.
____. “I get so impatient.” Extension 44.12 (May 1950): 51.
____. “I want to be alone.” Extension 46.8 (January 1952): 31.
____. “I’ve a family to support.” Extension 46.2 (July 1951): 45.
____. “Meet my friends.” Extension 46.5 (October 1951): 71.
____. “Plenty of nothing.” Extension 46.1 (June 1951): 55.
____. “Toboggan slide.” Extension 46.12 (May 1952): 33.
____. “What will people say?” Extension 46.10 (March 1952): 69.
____. “Why Be Afraid?” Catholic School Journal 49.6 (February 1949): 60-61.
____. “Wolf and the siren.” Extension 46.6 (November 1951): 71.
Traité d l’amour de Dieu (Theotime)
François de Sales, Saint. The Love of God. Abridged by the Sisters of the Visitation, Harrow-on-the-Hill; forward by [Francis] Cardinal Bourne; introduction by Abbot [Cuthbert] Butler. London: Sands, 1931.[BX2179.F8 T74 1931].
____. The Love of God, a Treatise. Translated by Vincent Kerns. The Orchard Books, London: Burnes & Oates, 1962.[BX2179.F8 T74 1962].
____. The Love of God, a Treatise. Translated by Vincent Kerns. The Orchard Books, Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1962.[BX2179.F8 T74 1962b].
____. Of the Love of God. Translated from the Original French by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. Library of Spiritual Works for English Catholics Series. London: Rivingtons, 1878.
____. On the Love of God. Edited by William John Knox Little. London: 1901.
____. On the Love of God. Translated with an introduction and notes by John Kenneth Ryan. 2 vols. Garden City, NY: Doubleday – Image Books, 1963.[BX2179.F8 T74 1963].
____. A Treatise on the Love of God, written in French by B. Francis de Sales: Bishop of Geneva. Translated into English by Miles Car [Miles Pinkney], Priest of the English Colledge of Doway. 18th ed. Doway: Gerard Pinchon, at the sign of Coleyn, 1630.[ISS/UCLA Clark: * BZ F8255t 1630].
____. A Treatise on the Love of God, A new ed. Dublin and London: J. Duffy, 1860.[BX2179.F8 T74 1860].
____. A Treatise on the Love of God. Translated into English by Henry Benedict Mackey. With an introduction by the translator. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 2. London: Burns & Oates, 1884.[BX2179.F8 T74 1884].
____. A Treatise on the Love of God. Translated into English by Henry Benedict Mackey. With an introduction by the translator. 6th ed. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 2. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1902.[BX2179.F8 T74 1902?
____. A Treatise on the Love of God. Translated into English by Henry Benedict Mackey. With an introduction by the translator. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 2. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1908.[BX2179.F8 T74 1908].
____. The Treatise on the Love of God. Translated into English, with introduction by Henry Benedict Mackey. Westminster, Md.: Newman Book Shop, 1942.[CSL Main Lib: 242 F825 General Coll/FMA Newton 248.4 D45 no. 2029].
____. The Treatise on the Love of God. Translated, with introduction by Henry Benedict Mackey. Westminster, Md.: Newman Book Shop, 1953.[BX2179.F8 T74 1942].
____. The Treatise on the Love of God. Translated, with introduction by Henry Benedict Mackey. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1971.[BX2179.F8 T74 1971].
____. Treatise on the Love of God, 2 vols. Translated by John Kenneth Ryan. Rockford, Ill.: TAN, 1974.
____. A Treatise on the Love of God, written in French by B. Francis de Sales: Bishop of Geneva. Translated into English by Miles Car, Priest of the English Colledge of Doway. English recusant literature, 1558-1640, v. 252. Reprint of the 18th ed., 1630, printed by G. Pinchon, Doway. Reproduced (original size) from a copy in Cambridge University Library… References: Allison and Rogers 343; STC 11323. Ilkley: Scolar Press, 1975.[BX1750.A1 E5 vol. 252 BX2179.F8].
Traité de l’amour de Dieu (Theotime) abridged
François de Sales, Saint. The Love of God. Translated, abridged and introduced by Vincent Kerns. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1987.[BX2179.F8 T74 1987a].
François de Sales, Saint. Letters to Persons in the World. Translated into English and edited by Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 1. London: Burns & Oates, 1883.[BX2179.F8 L51 1883].
____. Letters to Persons in Religion. Translated by Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, 4. London: Burns & Oates, 1888.
____. Letters to Persons in the World. Translated into English and edited by Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 1. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1908.[BX2179.F8 L51 1908].
____. Letters to Persons in Religion. Translated and edited by Henry Benedict Mackey. Introduction by John Cuthbert Hedley. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 4. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1908.
____. Letters to Persons in the World. Translated from the French by Henry Benedict Mackey, with an introduction by John Cuthbert Hedley, and a facsimile of the saint’s handwriting. Westminster, Md: Newman Bookshop, 1943.[BX2179.F8M 1943].
____. Letters to Persons in Religion. Translated from the French by Henry Benedict Mackey, with an introduction by John Cuthbert Hedley, and a facsimile of the saint’s handwriting. Westminster, Md: Newman Bookshop, 1943.[BX2179.F8 L5 1943].
____. Letters to a Wife and Mother from Saint Francis de Sales, translated and edited by Vincent Kerns. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1980.[Cambridge [Univ. Lib.] 1980.7.2392 (West Room)].
____. Letters to a Wife and Mother, from St. Francis de Sales; translated by Vincent Kerns. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1990.
____. On the Preacher and Preaching. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes by John Kenneth Ryan. [Chicago]: Henry Regnery, 1964.[BV 4209 F848E 1964].
____. S. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva. A Selection from [his] Spiritual Letters. Translated by the author of “Life of S. Francis de Sales” [Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear]. London: Rivingtons, 1871.[BX2179.F8L5 (1871)].
____. S. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva. A Selection from [his] Spiritual Letters. Translated by the author of “Life of S. Francis de Sales” [Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear]. New York: Rivingtons, 1876.[BX2179.F8L5 (1876)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Rivingtons, 1871.[UCSB Main Lib BX4700.F85 A4].
____. Selections from the Letters of St. Francis de Sales. Translated by Mrs Charles Walter Bagot. Revised by a priest of the English Church. 4th ed. London: J. Masters, 1871.[BX2179.F8L5 (1871)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Rivingtons, 1886.[BX2179.F8L5 (1886)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. New ed. London: Rivingtons, 1889.[BX2179.F8L5 (1889)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. New ed. London: Longmans, 1891.[BX2179.F8L5 (1891)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Longmans, 1892.
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Longmans, 1895.[BX2179.F8L5 (1895)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. New York: Longmans, 1900.[BX2179.F8L5 (1900)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907.[BX2179.F8L5a (1907)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Longmans, 1909.[BX2179.F8L5 (1909)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1916.[BX2179.F8L5 (1916)].
____. A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Translated by Henrietta Louise Farrer Lear. New Impression. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1920.[BX2179.F8L5a (1920)].
____. St Francis de Sales in His Letters. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 by the Sisters of the Visitation Harrow-on-the-Hill under the supervision of Aidan Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. Introduction by Cuthbert Butler. Foreward by Francis Cardinal Bourne. London: Sands, 1933.[BX4700.F85 A4 1933].
____. St Francis de Sales in His Letters. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 by the Sisters of the Visitation Harrow-on-the-Hill under the supervision of Aidan Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. Introduction by Cuthbert Butler. Westminster, MD: Newman Bookshop, 1943.
____. St. Francis de Sales, Selected Letters. Translated, with introduction by Elizabeth Stopp. London: Faber & Faber/New York: Harper, 1960.[BX4700.F85 A38].
____. Thy Will Be Done: Letters to Persons in the World. Manchester, N.H.: Sophia Institute Press, 1995.[BX4700.F85 A4 1995.
François de Sales, Saint. “Advice to Confessors.” Translated by J. M. Baraniezicz. Hyatsville: Institute of Salesian Studies, 1969.
____. “Comments on the Canticle of Canticles.” Edited by André Brix, translated by Thomas F. Dailey. Indian Journal of Spirituality, 1.3 (September 1988): 279-311; 1.4 (December 1988): 411-444; 2.1 (March 1989): 3-35; 2.2 4 (June 1989): 115-124.
____. The Mystical Explanation of the Canticle of Canticles by St. Francis de Sales, and the Depostion of St. Jane Fances de Chantal in the Cause of the Canonization of St. Francis de Sales. Translated by Henry Benedict Mackey. London: Burns & Oates, 1908.
____. The mystical flora of St. Francis de Sales, or The Christian life under the emblem of plants, translated by Clara Mulholland; with introduction by George Conroy. Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1877.
____. “Preface to the Rule of St. Augustine.” Salesian Studies 4.1 (January 1967): 59-69.
____. St. Francis de Sales and the Canticle of Canticles. Edited by André Brix, translated by Thomas F. Dailey. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1989.
François de Sales. “Models on the Temple Steps.” Salesian Studies 6.1 (January 1969): 78-87.
____. New Year Greetings. Translated by Margaret A. Colton. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1883.[BX2179.F7E5 1883].
____. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Prayer. Edited by Lewis S. Fiorelli, translated by the Nuns of the Visitation [Frances Therese Leary], with a preface by Fr. M. Basil Pennington, and introduction by Canon Henry Benedict Mackey. Sermons of St. Francis de Sales, vol. 1. Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books, 1985.[BX4700.F85 A5 1985].
____. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Our Lady. Edited by Lewis S. Fiorelli, translated by the Nuns of the Visitation [Frances Therese Leary], with a preface by Cardinal John Joseph Carberry. Sermons of St. Francis de Sales, vol. 2. Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books, 1985.[BT608 .F73 1985].
____. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent, Given in 1622. Edited by Lewis S. Fiorelli, translated by the Nuns of the Visitation [Frances Therese Leary], with a preface by John A. Abruzzese. Sermons of St. Francis de Sales, vol. 3. Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books, 1987.[BT608 .F73 1987].
____. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Advent and Christmas. Edited by Lewis S. Fiorelli, translated by the Nuns of the Visitation [Frances Therese Leary], with a preface by Robert E. Mulvee. Sermons of St. Francis de Sales, vol. 4. Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books, 1987.[BT608 .F73 1987].
Entretiens Spirituels
François de Sales, Saint. Delicious Entertainments of the Soule, Written by Lord Francis de Sales. Translated by a dame of Our Ladies of Comfort of the order of S. Bennet in Cambray [Prudentiana Deakens] Douay: Cheerart Pinson, 1632.
____. Delicious Entertainments of the Soule, 1632 [by] St Francis of Sales; [and] An extracte of the determinacion, 1603., Decicious entertainments of the soule: written by Lord Francis de Sales. Translated by a dame of our ladies of comfort of the order of S. Bennet in Cambray [Prudentiana Deakens]; and an extracte of the determinacion, and censure of the doctours of the universities of Salamanca and Valledolid, touching the warres of Ireland, and declaracion of the Poape his Breve concerning the same warres. [Ilkley, Yorkshire]: Scolar Press, 1974.[UCR Rivera BX1750.A1 E5 v.200].
____. The Spiritual Conferences. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 under the supervision of Aidan Francis Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 5. London: Burns & Oates, 1906.[BX 2179 F84vE 1906].
____. The Spiritual Conferences. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 under the supervision of Aidan Francis Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 5. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1908.
____. The Spiritual Conferences. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 under the supervision of Aidan Francis Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. Library of St. Francis de Sales, directed by John Cuthbert Hedley, v. 5. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1923.
____. The Spiritual Conferences. Translated from the Annecy Text of 1895 by the Sisters of the Visitation, Harrow-on-the-Hill, under the supervision of Aidan Francis Gasquet, and Henry Benedict Mackey. With an introduction written by Cardinal [Nicholas Patrick] Wiseman for an edition of the “Conferences” published in 1882. Westminster, Md: Newman Bookshop, 1943.[BX2179.F73 V74 1943].
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Commentaries and Studies of Francis de Sales’ Works
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Introduction Devout Life
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Finn, Dominick. “Salesian Thought and Church Renewal: The Mass.” Salesian Studies 3.1 (January 1966): 20-26.
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Nazareth, Armind. “The “Introduction to the Devout Life”, an Entirely New Translation.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 2.4 (December 1989): 383-386.
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Mystical Exposition of the Canticle of Canticles
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Spiritual Directory
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Traite de l’amour de Dieu
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Biographical investigations
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Biographies (Fiction)
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Biographies (Juvenile)
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Biographies (Panegyrics)
Ellis, Philip. The fifth sermon preach’d before the King and Queen in Their Majesties chappel at St. James’s upon the feast of S. Francis Sales, Jan. 29, 1685/6, By Ph. Ellis. Published by His Majesties command London: Printed by Henry Hills, 1686.Availability: CL0037000042 University Microfilms International; Control No.: 8703796].
Biographies (Popular)
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Gallagher, John . “An Easy-going Miracle Worker.” Our Sunday Visitor, (4 February 1973): p. 1, cols. 2-3; p. 3, cols. 1-3.
McNeill, Peter J. St. Francis de Sales, the Perfect Gentleman. [Pamphlet] New York: Paulist Press, 1961.
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Squire, Aelred. “The Human Condition: a Study of Some Seventeenth Century French Writers.” Life of the Spirit 16.184 (November 1961): 166-182.
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Marceau, William Charles. “Early English Translations of Salesian Writings.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 8.2 (June 1995): 155-164; 8.3 (September 1995): 316-320.
Comparative studies
Ainsworth, William R. Twin saints? Francis de Sales and John Bosco. [Pamphlet]. London: CTS Publications, 1991.[Cambridge [Univ. Lib.] 1991.8.2520 (Order in West Room)].
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Cryan, James. “The influence of St. Francis de Sales in American Literature.” Salesian Studies 6.2 (April 1969): 50-62.
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Dubois, Elfrieda T. “St. Francis de Sales and Jeremy Taylor: Introduction à la vie dévote and Holy Living, a Comparison.” History of European Ideas 2 (1981): 49-63.
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Mariadas, Midathada. “Servant of God, Venerable Father Peter Mary Mermier.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 7.1 (March 1994): 51-56.
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Pedrini, Arnaldo. “Don Bosco: Salesian Saint.” Salesian Living Heritage 3.2 (December 1988): 15-22.
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Shea, John Dawson Gilmary, ed. The Catholic Educator: A Library of Catholic Instruction and Devotion., Masterpieces of Great Spiritual Masters, St. Francis of Sales, Thomas á Kempis, Scupoli and Others, with an Illustrated Explanation of the Doctrines, Orders, Ligurgy, Rites and Ceremonies of the Church. 3 vols. New York: Thomas Kelly, 1888.Mfiche Cab ALTA 1986-1263].
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Stopp, Elisabeth. “Healing Differences: St. Francis de Sales in XVIIth Century England.” Month 224.1199-1200 (July 1967): 51-71.
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____. Madame de Chantal: Portrait of a Saint. London: Faber and Faber, 1962/Westminster, 1963.
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Devotion to Sacred Heart
Abruzzese, John A. “Francis de Sales and the Heart of Jesus.” Salesian Living Heritage 2.2 (September 1987): 2-16.
Calkins, A. B. “The Union of Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Saint Francis de Sales and Saint John Eudes,” in Memoires et Documents publiés par l’Académie Chablaisienne, 105-117. Tome 64 Thonon-les Bains Haute Savoie: l’Académie Chablaisienne, 1989.
Mattes, Anton. “Devotion to the Heart of Jesus in Modern Times: the Influence of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,” in Faith in Christ and the Worship of Christ: New Approaches to Devotion to Christ, 101-117. Edited by Leo Scheffczyk; translated by Graham Harrison. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986.[BX2157. C5713 1986].
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Devotional calendars
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____. Daily Readings with St. Francis de Sales. Introduced and edited by Michael Hollings. Springfield, Ill.: Templegate, 1986.
____. A diary of meditations. Edited by Cuthbert Smith. Chicago: H. Regnery Co., 1957.[UCB Main: BX2178 .F7 1957].
____. Every day with Saint Francis de Sales: teachings and examples from the life of the saint, an English adaptation of a book entitled Buon Giorno (Rome, 1981), compiled by Agostino Archenti, and Arnaldo Pedrini. Translated by Wallace L. Cornell; edited by Francis J. Klauder. New Rochelle: Don Bosco Multimedia, 1985.[BX2179.F8 B8613 1985].
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____. New Month of the Sacred Heart, From the French, by a Sister of the Visitation. Baltimore: [n.p.], 1893.[BX2158 .F7].
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Hollings, Michael, ed. A Thirst for God: Daily Readings with St. Francis de Sales, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1985.[DBH: 22.4 H65L-dai].
Morel, Claude. Fifteen Days with St. Francis de Sales. Translated by Ivo Carneiro. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1993.
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Alvarez, Silvester. “Early Catholic-Calvinist Diagloue.” Lamp 62.8 (August 1964): 28.
Rogers, David. “The Great Isle: St. Francis of Sales and the Conversion of England.” Tablet 207 (28 January 1956): 83-84; (4 February 1956): 107.
Kerns, Vincent. “St Francis de Sales and Original Sin.” Irish Ecclesiastical Record 5th Series, 71.1 (January 1949): 28-41.
Lux, Otto. “Augustinian Influence in the Ethics of Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 3.4 (October 1966): 89-99.
Venard, André. “St. Francis de Sales and Contraception.” Salesian Studies 5.1 (January 1968): 48-54.
Corrignan, François. “The Universal Call to Holiness: St. Francis de Sales.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 6.1 (March 1993): 1-10.
Fiorelli, Lewis S. “”Be Holy For I am Holy!”: Holiness Today.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 7.4 (December 1994): 375-395; 8.1 (March 1995): 3-19.
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Gardner, Susan M. Bartchak. “Images: the Importance of Story.” Salesian Living Heritage 7.1 (March 1992): 17-27.
Kolencherry, Antony, ed. Holiness and Wholeness, An in depth study on St. Francis de Sales’ “Introduction to the Devout Life.” Studies in Salesian Spirituality.9. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1991.
Leonard, Joseph. “Deposition of St. Vincent de Paul at the Process of Beatification of St. Francis de Sales.” Irish Ecclesiastical Record 59.3 (March 1942): 209-228.
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Graden, John L. “Image Impact: Salesian Eyes.” Salesian Living Heritage 5.2 (September 1990): 12-19.
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Levi, Anthony Herbert Tigar. “Devout Humanism: Francis de Sales, Jean-Pierre Camus,” in French Moralists: The Theory of the Passions, 1585-1649, 113-141. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.[GTU/SFTS: BJ702.L4].
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Life and times
Edwards, T. “Celebrations in Annecy commemorating St. François de Sales.” Tablet 202 (26 September 1953): 298-299.
Oldmeadow, Ernest. “Early One Morning: Visit to Thonon.” Tablet 158.4739 (25 July 1931): 107-108.
Stout, Edmond B. “Some Psychological Aspects of the Life and Spirit of St. Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 2.3 (May 1964): 26-37.
Trouncer, Margaret Lahey. The Gentleman Saint: St. Francis de Sales and his Times, 1567-1622. London: Hutchinson, 1963.[BX4700. F85 T72.
Power, Joseph F. “Love of Benevolence and Liturgy.” Salesian Studies 3.1 (January 1966): 27-41; (July 1966) 5-16.
Russman, K. B. “Friend of the Liturgy.” Orate Frates 8.10 (October 1934): 504-509.
Wetzel, Bernard F. “The Homily: Vatican II and Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 3.2 (April 1966): 34-41.
Burnaby, John. “Pure Love: St. Francis de Sales,” in Amor Dei, a Study of the Religion of St. Augustine, 277-286. The Hulsean Lectures for 1938 London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1938.[GTU/SFST: BV4817.B8 1938].
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George, Malikal Rosie. “Holy Indifference: The Long and the Short of It.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 3.4 (December 1990): 370-375.
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Perumalil, Thomas. “Stages of Perfection in Charity.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 9.1 (March 1996): 21-35.
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Comte, Louis. “St. Francis de Sales and Vatican II on Mary.” Salesian Living Heritage 3.1 (March 1988): 34-43.
Fitzpatrick, J. Moments with Mary. Selections from St. Francis of Sales for the Mornings and Evenings of May. London: Burns & Oates, 1896.
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Langelaan, James S. “Mary: the Most Beloved and Loving Mother. The Mariology of Saint Francis de Sales.” Marianum 38 (1976): 257-287.
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Pastoral Charity and Mission
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____. “Salesian Goodness is Magnetic.” Australian Salesian Bulletin 52.2 (June 1987): 9-11.
Ceresko, Anthony R. “”Cry of the Poor”: the Encounter between Human Need and Divine Generosity in the Exodus Story and in St. Francis de Sales.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 6.4 (December 1993): 420-438.
Cisetti, Joseph I. “Francis De Sales and the Priesthood of the ’90s.” Priest 37.2 (February 1991): 36-37.
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Hyland, Leonard. “Saint for Shut-ins.” Liguorian 52.12 (December 1964): 59-60.
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Lahey, Thomas Aquinas. “Saint’s Sympathy: the Death of a Newly-Born Child.” Ave Maria 75.1 (5 January 1952): 24.
Marceau, William Charles. “St. Francis de Sales — Missionary.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 8.4 (December 1995): 459-469.
Mariadas, Midathada. The Missionary Spirit of St. Francis de Sales, Apostle of the Chablais. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1990.
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Reidy, Maurice V. “Gracious Bishop of Geneva.” Ave Maria 45.5 (30 January 1937): 146-148.
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Occhio, Joseph M. “Crusader for Peace.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review 67.4 (January 1967): 320-326.
Woodgate, Mildred Violet. “St. Francis de Sales, Saint of Peace.” Irish Ecclesiastical Record 85.1 (January 1956): 18-22.
Beutler, Harold Joseph. “St. Francis de Sales’ Method of Prayer,” in For Thee Alone: Conferences for Religious, 68-110. St. Louis: Herder, 1947.[UPS: 14-B-3425/BX4210.B4].
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Gallagher, William J. “Discerning the Will of God: Advice from St Francis de Sales.” Catholic Charismatic 3.2 (June 1978): 36-39.
Giallanza, Joel. “Praying Well.” Living Prayer 20.4 (July 1987): 11-15; 20.5 (September-October 1987): 15-19.
Kolencherry, Antony, ed. Praying with St. Francis de Sales, Studies in Salesian Spirituality.5. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1986.
Marceau, William Charles. “The Salesian Prayer.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 2.4 (December 1989): 373-382.
McDonnell, Eunan. “Prayer at the Origins: Francis of Sales,” in Lead on Good Light… Salesians exploring our experience of prayer, 63-78. Edited by Mary Greenan, with a preface by Georgina McPake; introduction by Mary Downey. Rome: FMA Irish Province, 1996.[DBH: Special Collection].
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Power, Joseph F. “Images for a Busy Life.” Salesian Living Heritage 7.1 (March 1992): 29-44.
Reese, James M. “The introduction to prayer life, according to St. Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 2.3 (May 1964): 4-16.
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Mackey, Henry Benedict. “St. Francis de Sales as a Preacher.” Dublin Review 121 (1897): 151-174, 378-403; 122 (1898): 93-124.
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Religious Life
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____. “St. Francis de Sales: Advice to Superiors.” Review for Religious 14.1 (January 1955): 15-22; 14.3 (March 1955): 63-71.
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Chantal, Jeanne-Françoise (Frémyot) Rabutin de, Saint. Saint Jane Frances Frémyot de Chantal: Her Exhortations, Conferences and Instructions. Translated from the French Edition printed at Paris in 1875. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1928.[IX79.OV.C459 1928].
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Gell, Mada-anne. “Introduction to the Devout Life: the First “Rule” of the Sisters of the Visitation in the United States.” Salesian Living Heritage 9.2 (December 1994): 4-13.
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Conmy, John J. “Individualism and authority in the teachings of St. Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 4.2 (April 1967): 33-40.
Spiritual Direction
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Connolly, John P. “Basic Principles of Salesian Direction.” Salesian Studies 2.2 (January 1964): 80-92.
Dailey, Thomas F. “A Salesian Example of Overcoming Human Separateness.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 1.4 (December 1988): 466-473.
Gallagher, William J. “Christian Maturity and the Religious Life.” Salesian Studies 3.4 (October 1966): 78-88.
Gotch, Carol Ann. “The Spiritual Direction of St. Francis de Sales.” Ph.D. diss., M.A. thesis, Graduate Theological Union – Berkeley, 1978.[BX4700. F85 G6.
Marceau, William Charles. “St. Francis de Sales — Spiritual Director.” Salesian Studies 6.3 (July 1969): 87-92.
McCarthy, Mary Paula. “Salesian Pattern in Spiritual Direction.” Salesian Living Heritage 10.2 (September 1995): 2-14.
Park, Molly Rumsey. “Mentoring: Having Courage to Share the Journey.” Salesian Living Heritage 6.2 (September 1991): 27-40.
Pocetto, Alexander T. “The Distinctive Spirit of a Religious Family and Christianity.” Salesian Studies 3.4 (October 1966): 68-77.
Rousseau, Richard W. “Mlle. de Soulfour and the Bishop of Geneva.” American Ecclesiastical Review 128.2 (February 1953): 101-108.
Ruhl, William J. The Salesian Confessor and the New Rite of Penance. Wilmington: Salesian Studies, 1976.
Stopp, Elisabeth. “St. Francis de Sales’ Attitudes to Friendship.” The Downside Review 113.392 (July 1995): 175-192.
Sweeney, Richard Joseph. “Discernment in the Spiritual Direction of St. Francis de Sales.” Review for Religious 39.1 (January 1980): 127-141.
Tissot, Joseph. The Art of Profiting by our Faults According to St. Francis de Sales. Translated from the French by Ella McMahon. New York: Benziger Bros., 1889.[BX2350 .T5713].
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Wright, Wendy M. “Spiritual Friendship and Spiritual Direction in the Salesian World.” Studia Mystica 12.1 (March 1989): 49-63.
Spiritual Life
Francis, Paul J. “Desire, anxiety and the Devout Life.” Salesian Studies 2.3 (May 1964): 38-56.
Kolencherry, Augustine. “Suffering, a Mystical Blessing.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 3.1 (March 1990): 55-68.
Ricceri, Luigi. “The IVth Centenary of the Birth of Our Patron.” Acts of the Superior Council of the Salesian Society 48.249 (August 1967): 2-17.
Stopp, Elisabeth. “Méditations sur l’Eglise (1595-96).” Salesian Studies 4.4 (October 1967): 58-69.
Spiritual Life (popular)
Doyle, Jim. “A Recipe for Humble Pie.” US Catholic 54.2 (February 1989): 14-15.
Abruzzese, John A. The theology of hearts in the writings of St. Francis de Sales. Rome: Institute of Spirituality, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, 1983.[UPS: 21-C-7438.
Buckley, Michael J. “Seventeenth-century French Spirituality: Three Figures,” in Christian Spirituality, Post-Reformation and Modern, 28-68. Edited by Louis Dupré, and Don E. Saliers. World Spirituality, an Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest, vol. 18. New York: Crossroad, 1989.
Butler, Cuthbert. Ways of Christian Life: Old Spirituality for Modern Men. London: Sheed & Ward, 1932.[UPS: 14-B-3548.
[Camus, Jean-Pierre]. The Mind of Francis de Sales; a Book on Religious Life. Translated from the old French by Mrs North Peat. New York: General Prot. Episc. Sunday School Union and Church Book Society, 1868.[BX2183.C35].
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Spirituality (History)
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Spirituality and Laity
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Kolencherry, Antony, ed. St. Francis de Sales and the Laity, Studies in Salesian Spirituality.6. Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1988.
Lawlor, Antoine Therese. “Salesian Spirituality for Lay Ministers.” Salesian Living Heritage 2.1 (March 1987): 23-36.
Rasmussen-Rodriguez, Olga. “Everyday Living of Salesian Spirituality.” Salesian Living Heritage 2.1 (March 1987): 2-9.
Topical Questions
Boyle, Charles J. “The Message of Jesus: St. Francis de Sales and the Space Age.” Salesian Studies 2.3 (May 1964): 94-115.
Congar, Yves. “Francis de Sales Today.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 1.1 (March 188): 5-11.
____. “Francis de Sales Today.” Salesian Studies 3.1 (January 1966): 5-9.
Godefroy, Mary Elizabeth. “Insights on Aging in the Introduction.” Salesian Living Heritage 9.2 (December 1994): 25-31.
Marceau, William Charles. “The Blessing of Old Age.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 1.1 (March 1988): 12-24; 1.2 (June 1988): 152-163.
McMullen, Cynthia. “Attachments and Addictions.” Salesian Living Heritage 10.2 (September 1995): 15-22.
Papin, Mary de Chantal. “St. Francis de Sales: His Relevance Today.” Salesian Studies 4.3 (July 1967): 37-39.
Chorpenning, Joseph F. “Renaissance Neoplatonism, Theological Tradition, and Outer and Inner Beauty in St. Francis de Sales.” The American Benedictine Review 43.3 (September 1992): 283-300.
Connolly, John P. “The Union of Charity and Fidelity, according to St. Francis de Sales.” Salesian Studies 2.1 (October 1963): 91-103.
McHugh, Thomas A. “The Distinctive Salesian Virtues: Humility and Gentleness.” Salesian Studies 2.1 (October 1963): 45-74.
Morel, Claude. “Christian Joy and Optimism.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 7.2 (June 1994): 182-187.
Pochat, Genevieve. “The Practice of Salesian Poverty.” Indian Journal of Spirituality 5.3 (September 1992): 227-248; 5.4 (December 1992): 371-399; 6.1 (March 1993): 11-37.
Whiteford, Mary. “Saint through Love.” Magnificat 90 (June 1952): 77-80.
Wright, Wendy M. “Simplicity in the Salesian Sources.” Salesian Living Heritage 4.1 (March 1989): 4-15.
Women: Spirituality and Psychology
McCormack, Mary Grace. “The Introduction: A Feminine View.” Salesian Living Heritage 10.2 (September 1995): 23-32.
Pocetto, Alexander T. “St. Francis de Sales and Feminism.” Salesian Living Heritage 1.1 (March 1986): 3-13.
Wright, Wendy M. “The Hidden Life of the Gentle Humble Jesus: The Visitation of holy Mary as Ideal Women’s Community.” Vox Benedictina 7.3 (July 1990): 281-300.
____. “Jane de Chantal’s Guidance of Women: the Community of the Visitation and Womanly Values,” in Modern Christian Spirituality: Methodological and Historical Essays, 113-138. edited by Bradley C. Hanson. American Academy of Religion Studies in Religion Series, edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham.62. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990.[GTU/UCB: BV4490 .M62 1990].
____. “St. Jane de Chantal’s Guidance of Women.” Salesian Living Heritage 1.1; 2.1 (March 1987): 10-22 (March 1986): 16-28.[GTU/UCB: BV4490 .M62 1990].
Writing Apostolate
Bréghy, Katherine. The Story of Saint Francis de Sales, Patron of Catholic Writers. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1958.
Carney, Edward John. “Patron of Writers.” American Ecclesiastical Review 136.2 (February 1957): 90-94.
“Catholic Press Patron: the Introduction to the Devout Life.” America 108.4 (2796) (26 January 1963): 130.
Day, Dorothy. “Patron of Journalists.” Catholic Worker 7.5 (4 January 1940): p. 4, col. 1.
Dilschneider, Mary Aimee. “St. Francis de Sales: Patron of the Catholic Press.” Liguorian 73.2 (February 1985): 17-19.
Esther, Mary. “Challenge to Catholic Writers.” Catholic Educator 18.7 (March 1948): 336-337.
Gorman, Thomas K. “Saintly Patron of the Catholic Press.” Columbia 35.7 (February 1955): 10-11f.
Kerns, Vincent. “Some Notes on the Journalists’ Saint.” Catholic Journalist 4 (June 1953): 3.
Mackey, Henry Benedict. “S. Francis de Sales: Doctor of the Church — His Works.” Dublin Review [Third Series] 8.2 (July 1882): 74-104.
Matthews, V. H. “Writings of St Francis de Sales.” Tablet 175.5204 (22 June 1940): 618.
Ryan, Antoninus. “Patron of Writers.” Dominicana 24.3 (September 1939): 197-204.